Friday, March 1, 2013

Short and Sweet

February is a short month, but we somehow managed to cram quite a bit of exciting things into the quickly passing days!

The month started with the Super Bowl weekend … While daddy went golfing with some friends Ryan and I went to the park for some fresh air and a swing!  Ryan loves the outdoors, but he’s had a change of heart when it comes to swings!  
Clearly, he is not a fan!

 Super Bowl Sunday was a relaxing day at home – we were hoping for a 49ers win, but regardless we had a great time rooting for our team!

The day wasn't a total loss either, Ryan gained his 2nd cousin that day!  Scott’s sister and husband had their first – a baby girl – born just before the end of the game!  Now Ryan is the proud cousin to Freida, his 4 legged cousin :) and to Alexis, his Super Bowl Sunday cousin!

The month also started out on a good note with a couple of doctor appointments.  Ryan is thriving and he proved it at his appointments.  We were beyond relieved that his sleep study results were good and he passed his hearing test with flying colors!

Here he is smiling big at the doctor enjoying our good news!

We kept very busy this month getting some things lined up for Ryan’s sister-to-be, meeting with friends and family and our usual errands that are always part of our weekend.

Sometimes while running errands we get a bit sidetracked … here’s Ryan “test driving” one of his favorite cars …

As you can see from his shirt, he’s seriously considering a career in auto racing …
Racing and cars is in this kid's DNA ... as you can see!

And somehow between all of that, we managed to have some fantastic quality time at home! 

Here’s Ryan’s first experience with crayons … not really too sure how they work yet, he had more fun “organizing” them and probably would have eaten a good chunk of them if we weren't watching closely …

Ryan has been busy this month – he’s picking up so many new skills it’s blowing us away!

He’s taken up cooking … here he is "helping" in the kitchen ...

Now it's time to whip up some dinner for mommy …

Sign language has become a major part of our everyday life.  Ryan has picked up so many signs now.  He can tell us when he’s hungry, when he wants milk, if he wants crackers, when he’s “all done” or if he wants “more”.  He’s most recently learned to sign “ball”.   Sometimes we get a little mixed up about the context – but in general he’s embracing the signs and loves his new found ability to communicate!
Here we are studying our sign book:

Shapes and colors are still a challenge, but we are starting to get the hang of them.  Ryan loves his new puzzle … he’s pretty quick to celebrate – even sometimes if we've managed to fit the wrong piece into a spot :)  But overall he is really picking this up quickly.

Here he is as he figures where to put a puzzle piece – my smarty pants!

Food is still a big part of our daily adventures.  Ryan has been experiencing all sorts of new flavors.  Some new favorites include artichoke hearts, sharp cheddar cheese, hummus, tomatoes, eggs and more.  Somehow vegetables are getting pushed aside for “tastier” foods … funny how that works!

Here we are enjoying some eggs for the first time!

And as you can see hummus is a big hit!

Our BIGGEST and most exciting accomplishment of the month would be Ryan’s FIRST STEPS!  He’s officially standing on his own – he’ll let go, stand upright on his own and claps and squeals until we congratulate him!  
And only a day after he discovered standing, he got even more brave …  He’s already taken a few steps and turns and is getting more stable everyday.  It’s only a matter of time until he’s running around our house!  

Here is my big boy – standing all on his own!

Ryan is so excited about his new accomplishments and we couldn't be happier.  He continues to amaze us each and every day - words cannot express how proud we are!

... On to the next adventure ...