Tuesday, February 17, 2015


What a busy and exciting time!  It's been a while so here are all of our updates and pictures!  

September began with a trip to CA for Ryan's check-ups at Stanford.  It was a busy trip starting with a sleep study, but ended in smiles when we learned that Ryan's tonsil and adenoid removal was a success!

Post sleep study hair ...

Results are good!

At the end of September our little man turned THREE years old!  We had a special party for him at his favorite place: "inside park" - also known as Gymboree.  We had a Disney Cars themed party of course - and we all had a blast!

Now that he's three years old, Ryan is old enough to start school!  We started him right after his birthday since he also qualified for a speech articulation class through our school district.  It was a little bit of an adjustment but it didn't take long and he just loves school and his new friends!  And his speech is improving a great deal!  It's so much fun to hear what he has to say ... which is quite a bit!

Here we are on our first day of school!  We had a lot of fun!

And here is Ryan's first school picture ... what a cute little ham!

 Halloween was a lot of fun for Ryan this year ... we had a lot of fantastic parties to attend!  Ryan loved the trick-or-treating at each party and on Halloween night!  Collecting all his "treasures" was more fun that eating the load of candy thankfully!


 Our kitty cat and race car driver!

Christmas was a blast for our family this year too.  The kids loved their visit from both grandparents and of course from Santa!

Here's our cheesy family photo ...

At our LPA holiday party we had the option to have a lovely family photo taken ... too bad Eleanor didn't think much of the idea!

 A few pre-Christmas visits with Santa ...

Our new year began in the most exciting way!  Scott and I bought our first home!  We are doing a build and will move into our new home in June!
Ryan is thrilled to be part of the construction process.  He is already calling our current home "our old home" and is planning his new bedroom.
The four of us feel extremely lucky to be able to make this purchase and to permanently settle into our new community that we just love.

 ... on to the next adventure!!!